All loans provided are over a twenty week term. Brentwood Trading Company feels that this payback period is both affordable when compared to pay day lenders, and yet not of a disproportionate length for the typical uses for which our customers seek credit in the first place. As a member of the CCA we follow a strict code of conduct for all policies, procedures and practices.
Brentwood Partner Declan Murphy is also an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and is bound by a strict code of ethics and professional conduct. We are confident that all our customers will attest to our professional approach throughout the loan process. We believe firmly in building positive lasting relationships that ensure we instil confidence in our customers of our ability to provide for their credit needs.
Our customers are armed with the knowledge that we can afford them flexibility when the situation dictates, and remain committed to their borrowing needs at all times observing the utmost discretion and sensitivity.